Annette Gibbs

Hello My Name Is...

Annette Gibbs

On a day that happens only once a year, July 21, I was born on the remote island kingdom of the Philippines. My birth had been foretold by the learned doctors on Tinker Air Force Base. After leaving the island kingdom, I began to travel the world with my family, learning the ways of other countries. After arriving in the mystical world of Oklahoma, I started my journey that would lead me into the profession of teaching. While attending the University of Central Oklahoma, I began to have a feeling that someone was following me. He threw himself at my feet begging me to become his princess and rule the Kingdom of Awesomeness. I thought for sure he must be a crazy hobo and dismissed him with a wave of my hand. After days of constant begging I decided to give him a chance, though he tells the tale as if I begged him (as if). We were married in the summer of 2005, and given the gift of two wonderful children. I would soon begin teaching in Prairie Vale right down the hall from that crazy man, and find that my family had grown to include the entire school.